

Cecily Raynor

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the 31st Edition of the Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada. My name is Cecily Raynor and I am the Guest Editor of this Special Edition and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures at McGill University, specializing in contemporary Brazilian literature and Digital Humanities.[1] During the 2016 International Comparative Literature Association Conference in Vienna, Austria, I had the pleasure of participating in the panel, "From Europe to Brazil: The Circulation of Language and Culture in the Portuguese-Speaking World," organized by Professor José Luis Jobim at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

The panel brought together scholars from across the globe to present on themes relevant to the notion of circulation, in its historical, economic, social and cultural manifestations. One of the fruits of the labor is the special edition you see before you. Indeed, the majority of the articles in this collection stemmed from the conference itself, bringing together an array of theoretical approaches and historical timeframes to the study of comparative literature and the circulation of texts. It is a delight to present to you this multilingual edition of the Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, with articles in Portuguese, English and French. The edition explores a wide range of texts, from the Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas by the great Machado de Assis, to analysis on varying forms of Amazonian literature, to theoretical approaches on French deconstruction in order to better engage the work of Brazilian theorist Silviano Santiago, to contemporary Argentine literature in dialogue with Brazil, to contemporary Brazilian authors Rubem Fonseca and João Antônio, to literary and musical images of Roraima,  Brazil from its two major authors, Nenê Macaggi and Eliakin Rufino, to the philosophical undertones of Milan Kundera, to a comparative work on two early 20th century writers, Cuban Dulce María Loynaz and Brazilian Orides Fontela, to Walter Scott's Portuguese translation by Brazilian Caetano Lopes de Moura, to interrelationships among J. M. Coetzee and Michel Laub, and finally to the digital arena, with examinations of the forgotten literary blogs stemming from Brazilian Companhia das Letras, "Amores Expressos" Project. As evidenced in this enumeration of texts, comparative literature makes possible encounters from a range of disciplines and spaces around unifying themes. The final text presented here is very much in line with the themese of this special edition and is a book review of Literary and Cultural Circulation, a collection of diverse essays on the topic of circulation released by Peter Lang Publishing in 2017 and edited by José Luis Jobim.

We are confident that you will enjoy this multi-layered examination of circulation presented in the 31st number of the Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, and that the articles present here will inspire new conversations and dialogues on how to engage with wide ranging texts across space and time. Some of the contrasts and juxtapositions present in the current volume open up new modes of thinking about and engaging with literary and cultural content in its diverse global circulation across geographies and languages.


[1] This special edition would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of Ms. Rhian Lewis, my Editorial Assistant at McGill University who was fundamental to the compilation of the present articles. 

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A Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada está indexada nas seguintes bases:

Revista Brasileira de Literatura Comparada, ISSN 0103-6963, ISSN 2596-304X (on line)

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